CGU: Terms and Conditions of Use



These general conditions of use (GCU) apply between any Internet user of the website ( and the association INTERLOIRE, l'Interprofession des vins du Val de Loire, registered in the SIRENE register under number 429 164 072 00143 whose head office is located at 62 rue Blaise Pascal in Tours, taken in the person of Mr Camille MASSON in his capacity as President who publishes and operates the site (

Telephone: 02 47 60 55 00, email:



For the purposes hereof, the term "Use" includes all operations carried out by the Internet user upon access to the Website, including its simple consultation, regardless of the terminal used (including but not limited to: computer, tablet and smartphone), the type of connection (private connection, third-party connection or public Wifi) and the place of connection (from France or abroad).



Use of the Website implies unreserved acceptance of these TOS by the Internet user.

Use of the Website by the Internet user implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the technologies inherent in the Internet, particularly with regard to response times for consulting or querying the hosting servers, technical performance, risks of interruption...

In addition, the conditions of Use of the Website also depend on the quality of the Internet user's Internet connection, the updating and choice of browser, terminal... elements that are totally independent of INTERLOIRE.



The Website offers in particular the possibility for the Internet user:

Discover the vineyards of the Val de Loire, the different appellations and wines produced in this territory
Discover the wine tourism activities of the vineyards
Subscribe to the newsletter
Send any request for information to via the "Contact"
This list of features is indicative. INTERLOIRE reserves the right to add or remove features, temporarily or permanently, without the consent of Internet users.



The Website is reserved for adults with the capacity to contract and wishing to discover the vineyards of the Loire Valley.

The Internet user undertakes not to:

Commit any illegal act from the information presented on the site
Extract or collect users' personal data by any means
Extract, record or exploit, for purposes other than the sole display when browsing the site, elements of the Site and in particular content subject to intellectual property rights, relating to privacy, personal data or image rights
Usurp the identity of a third party
In general, the Internet user must refrain from any behavior contrary to the interests of INTERLOIRE or third parties.



Use of the Website is made under the sole responsibility of the Internet user.

The Internet user is informed that INTERLOIRE may have to temporarily interrupt access to the Website for technical reasons, in particular for maintenance purposes. The Internet user accepts this possibility and waives any claim in this respect.

INTERLOIRE shall not, under any circumstances, be liable:

From any malfunction of the Internet network preventing or limiting the use of the Website
From the loss of any data or content independent of INTERLOIRE
From the consequences of any computer virus, bug, anomaly or failure independent of INTERLOIRE
From any damage caused to the Internet user's terminal independent of INTERLOIRE


The Website is protected by intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, domain names, know-how, software, databases...

INTERLOIRE and/or its partners are and remain the owners of all rights to such content.

On these contents, INTERLOIRE grants a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license, without the right to sublicense and exclusively for the purposes of accessing, browsing and using the site. This license does not imply any other right, in particular commercial exploitation of the contents. Any unauthorized use of the contents is likely to constitute an act of counterfeiting and/or unfair competition.



The presence of hypertext links to other sites does not constitute a guarantee of the quality of the contents and proper functioning of said sites. INTERLOIRE cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites. The Internet user must use this information with the usual precautions.



Any request relating to the application of the GCU, request for information or complaint relating to the operation of the Website may be addressed to:


62, rue Blaise Pascal - CS 61921

37019 TOURS Cedex 1

Telephone: 02 47 60 55 00,


Or via the "Contact" form on the Website:



INTERLOIRE reserves the right to modify the content of the GTU at any time and without prior notice. The user is invited to consult them regularly. The applicable conditions are those in force on the Website at the time of use.


Last update: January 5, 2024.