The keys toconservation

Well-kept wine means giving it time to blossom and reveal its full personality

Temperature, light, bottle position... a few simple rules help preserve its aromas and balance. 

Whether for a few months or several years, every Loire wine has its secrets de garde!

Our content on

conservation in the spotlight!

Ready to pamper your bottles?


La cuvée du jour

24 March 2025

A made-to-measure cellar

Nos conseils pour choisir ses vins et aménager sa cave !Read the article
24 March 2025

Find and buy your wine

Toutes les infos pour savoir où acheter votre vin !Read the article

All our guides

In the shade, in the cool and lying down... Adopt the right reflexes to enjoy your Loire wines in the best conditions. All that's left is to choose the right moment to uncork them!

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