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Laudacius House


Rankings and labels

Explorez le domaine

Halfway between Tours and Amboise, Maison Laudacius (recognized as a Cave d'Excellence), founded in 1961, is a group of 15 passionate winegrowers working on 175 hectares of vines with respect for tradition and a perpetual concern for quality. Through a video-guided tour, you'll discover the life of our nectars, from the different stages of vinification to the elaboration of our Montlouis range, made from a unique grape variety: chenin blanc. You'll be astonished by its aromas when you taste it. You can also taste our Touraine PDO wines.
Wine style :
red winerosé winewhite winesparkling winesweet wine

Prolongez l'expérience : activités et découvertes

Préparez votre visite et découvrez les activités passionnantes proposées par le domaine pour approfondir vos connaissances et éveiller vos sens.

Suggested activities :
Wine and food pairing workshopsThemed tastingOpen houseTroglodyte tourCellarChai
Spoken languages :
Services and equipments :
Bike parkingOn-site sales
Payment methods :
Credit cardsSpeciesTransfers
Accessibility :
Hearing impairmentMental disabilityMotor disabilitiesVisual disabilityPRM access

Self-guided or guided tours

Profitez d'une expérience sur mesure avec une visite libre ou guidée du domaine. Initiez-vous aux secrets de la vinification tout en dégustant les meilleurs crus du terroir.

Self-guided group tours (on request) Yes 01h00
Self-guided group tours (permanent) No
Guided group tours (on request) Yes 01h00
Guided group tours (permanent) No
Individual self-guided tours (on request) Yes 00h20
Individual self-guided tours (permanent) Yes 00h20
Individual guided tours (on request) Yes 00h20
Individual guided tours (permanent) No

Laudacius House

02 47 50 80 98

2 Route de Saint-Aignan 37270 MONTLOUIS-SUR-LOIRE
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