All about Touraine Amboise


Upstream of Tours, the vineyard extends over 5 communes on the right bank and 6 communes on the left bank of the Loire.




The vineyard surrounds the Château d'Amboise, one of the most beautiful in Touraine. In 1463, Louis XI, who had a weakness for this wine, ordered it to be sold on the Tours market before any other wine, due to its quality. It made its debut at court under Francis I

1463Sale of Amboise wine

Soil and climate

Soils: "Perruches" (flinty clays that warm up easily) and "aubuis" (clay-limestone that gives power to the wine).

Climate: The Loire still dispenses with Atlantic influences, but a certain continental aspect makes this terroir a mixed zone.

Cultivation methods

Minimum density 6,000 vines/ha. Guyot simple or short pruning.

Basic yield: 55 hl/ha for reds and rosés, 52 hl/ha for whites.