Retour aux caves touristiques

Caves Gratien & Meyer

SAUMUR (49 )

Rankings and labels

Explorez le domaine

Nestling on a hillside, the site was originally tufa galleries converted into cellars in the 19th century. Discover the story of Gratien & Meyer, the meeting of two passionate men who put their knowledge and know-how at the service of quality, through a rich, detailed and comprehensive cellar tour. Unravel the mysteries of fine bubbly wine-making, from vine cultivation to traditional bottling. Let us tell you the story of the men who created Gratien & Meyer wines and gave them their essence. The cellars reveal the secrets of the local heritage. The Gratien & Meyer experience: A unique panorama of the Loire.
Wine style :
red wine

Prolongez l'expérience : activités et découvertes

Préparez votre visite et découvrez les activités passionnantes proposées par le domaine pour approfondir vos connaissances et éveiller vos sens.

Suggested activities :
Visit the winery
Spoken languages :
Payment methods :
Credit cardsBank and postal chequesSpecies

Self-guided or guided tours

Profitez d'une expérience sur mesure avec une visite libre ou guidée du domaine. Initiez-vous aux secrets de la vinification tout en dégustant les meilleurs crus du terroir.

Self-guided group tours (on request)
Self-guided group tours (permanent)
Guided group tours (on request) Yes 90
Guided group tours (permanent) Yes 90
Individual self-guided tours (on request) Yes 60
Individual self-guided tours (permanent) Yes 60
Individual guided tours (on request) Yes 60
Individual guided tours (permanent)

Caves Gratien & Meyer

02 41 83 13 32

49400 SAUMUR
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