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Rankings and labels

Explorez le domaine

The fruit of a partnership between two Burgundian friends, Gabin and Stéphane, Domaine des Hauts Perrays is located on the heights of Chaudefonds-sur-Layon, in the heart of Anjou Noir. The estate is run with respect for nature, with passion and precision in guiding the vines and the wine. That's why we give maximum priority to manual work in the vineyard and cellar. Our 16-hectare parcel of land, spread over various schist alterite terroirs, is made up of Chenin, Cabernet Franc, Grolleau, Pineau d'Aunis and Gamay. It's an ideal playground for producing a range of authentic wines: dry and sweet whites, reds, rosés and Crémants. In the cellar, our aim is to enable the wines to best express the multitude of terroirs and their grape varieties. The wine also takes on the "winemaker's touch", and indeed, our work confers on our cuvées characteristics that we appreciate: fruitiness, freshness, finesse, and complexity.
Wine style :
White winered winerosé wine

Prolongez l'expérience : activités et découvertes

Préparez votre visite et découvrez les activités passionnantes proposées par le domaine pour approfondir vos connaissances et éveiller vos sens.

Spoken languages :
Services and equipments :
Pets allowed
Payment methods :
Credit cardsBank and postal chequesSpeciesTransfer

Self-guided or guided tours

Profitez d'une expérience sur mesure avec une visite libre ou guidée du domaine. Initiez-vous aux secrets de la vinification tout en dégustant les meilleurs crus du terroir.

Self-guided group tours (on request) Yes -
Self-guided group tours (permanent)
Guided group tours (on request) Yes -
Guided group tours (permanent)
Individual self-guided tours (on request)
Individual self-guided tours (permanent)
Individual guided tours (on request) Yes -
Individual guided tours (permanent)


02 41 78 67 57

284 chemin des Herrines 49290 CHAUDEFONDS-SUR-LAYON
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