Retour aux caves touristiques

Vignobles Edonis, Cave Robert et Marcel


Rankings and labels

Explorez le domaine

In the Maison Edonis, dug into the tufa stone cellars of the Vignobles Edonis site in Bellevigne-les-Châteaux, wander at your own pace from room to room of this centuries-old troglodytic house. Guided by the warm, emblematic characters who have taken possession of this dwelling, you'll discover the secrets of the Loire Valley vineyards in 12 tasting stages. A journey that will introduce you to vintages from the Pays Nantais to Touraine, accompanied by sound bites, visual creations and historical content. An immersive, sensory experience that will change your perception of wine and wine tasting. Opening April 6, 2024.
Wine style :
White winered winerosé wine

Prolongez l'expérience : activités et découvertes

Préparez votre visite et découvrez les activités passionnantes proposées par le domaine pour approfondir vos connaissances et éveiller vos sens.

Suggested activities :
Visit the winery
Spoken languages :
Payment methods :
Credit cardsBank and postal chequesSpeciesTransfer

Self-guided or guided tours

Profitez d'une expérience sur mesure avec une visite libre ou guidée du domaine. Initiez-vous aux secrets de la vinification tout en dégustant les meilleurs crus du terroir.

Self-guided group tours (on request) No
Self-guided group tours (permanent) No
Guided group tours (on request) No
Guided group tours (permanent) No
Individual self-guided tours (on request) Yes 60
Individual self-guided tours (permanent) Yes 60
Individual guided tours (on request)
Individual guided tours (permanent)

Vignobles Edonis, Cave Robert et Marcel

02 41 53 06 18

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